On the quest for those coveted brows, I have gone through
lengths you haven’t imagined and yet the beauty industry far surpasses me. Did you know that ladies, and men for that
matter, are resorting to eyebrow hair plugs to obtain fuller eyebrows a la
Brooke Shields circa 1981? And while I
might not go through such lengths to get back to my natural brows, I have done
some research into what might be a more sane and less invasive (and less
expensive might I add) method to re-growing my brows at a faster rate.
First, when in doubt don’t pluck out! My mantra since I
started tweezing at the ripe age of 16.
Although this is a hard one to follow, it works. Don’t be tempted by what you may think is a
stray hair, as usually it can make your brows from looking casually mysterious
to utterly surprised.
Second, I have been reading all around that castor oil is
the cure for thinning brows and lashes.
There are stimulating properties in castor oil that stimulate follicles
and the cells that may help hair grow.
There are also vitamins and minerals that prevent hair from breaking,
but who’s eyebrows break? For a bottle of castor oil it cost me under $4, sold
at most health food stores. I put mine
on with my fingers, but you could also use a clean mascara wand.
Third, maintain the shape you desire. Although this may sound like it goes against
rule number one, maintaining is different than shaping. Taking out hair that doesn’t need to be
there, ie) in the middle of your brows (goodbye unibrow) or underneath your
brows where they are totally off from your natural shape ensures that during
this process you don’t look like a bush monkey and can conquer the world
without gasps and stares from onlookers (yes, in my head, I think everyone is
staring at my unkempt brows and whispering blasphemous comments when I pass by
*sigh). Keeping your brows groomed and clean while they grow out
will prevent you from over plucking.
And last but not least, during this process of growing out
your brows your method of removal, in my opinion, should be tweezing! Tweezing allows for more precise removal of
unwanted hair, ensuring you don’t go overboard.
Waxing can be tricky when you’re trying to not remove those fine hairs
that may help make your brows look fuller (trust I know from experience, I called my
self patchy for an entire month).
Threading entails you trusting another person with string in her mouth
to groom you…enough said.
I hope you have success in growing out your brows, wish me
luck on my journey to conquer my brow plucking addiction!